Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Yesterday I ran into one of the ENT doctors and asked if he could swing by and look at Max's nose...just to make certain that everything was still open and clear. It had been on my mind this weekend. Sure enough they came and took a look this morning and one nasal passage has narrowed/partially closed. I about lost it in rounds...cried, vented...the works. WHY is Max not getting a break? WHY did I have to be the one to remind ENT to look at Max? WHY, WHY, WHY???

So this afternoon ENT will perform a dilation (Max will be heavily sedated of course) at the bedside...this is not a fun procedure but better than having to go to the OR. However, the two times in the past that they have tried this, Max still had to go to the OR the next day...so I am expecting Max will have surgery on his nose again tomorrow.

The heart surgery will not happen until next week...they want to ensure there is absolutely no infection in Maxwell. We were hoping we could extabate him today or tomorrow, however now that will be delayed depending on his nose issue.

I met with the ICU attending today and made my concerns heard (me finding the eye gunk, me reminding ENT to come, me noticing his weight was doing odd things, etc.) He is such a wonderful doctor with a terrific bedside manner...and he is now going to serve as the "coordinator" of Max's care (they typically rotate every two weeks, but he will now check up on things even when he is not "on" as attending) to ensure there is consistency and routine involvement with all of the different specialties. The medical team here is truly incredible...I just want them to be PERFECT when it comes to Maxwell.

Today has been an extremely disappointing and emotional day...I am so sad and so frustrated. Thank you everyone for your thoughtful emails and calls. Very appreciated.

1 comment:

Drew said...


I'm sorry to hear about all your frustrations and difficulties. I hope Max gets breaks from here on out. You guys are always in may and Steph's thoughts. Hang in there.
