What can I say about this weekend and Maxwell's visit with his father? Hmm....well, it was definitely more work than it needed to be and that was frustrating.
On Saturday, Maxwell was not a happy camper when I had to wake him up to take him to the hotel. He wasn't feeling all that well and simply wanted to be cuddled and loved. Instead I was lugging all of his medical equipment to the car and then giving him over to a nurse in the hotel lobby. It was quite bizarre and yet another silly chapter in this divorce. All of this for a two hour visit.
Then the next day we repeated this all over again, but fortunately Maxwell was in a much better mood. Earlier in the day, I took him to the park and gave him a good pep talk before I "handed him over." And fortunately his medications (antiobiotics and steroids) had kicked in a bit so he medically was a little stronger than the day before. For both visits, I brought his favorite toy so I knew he would be happy. (He is absolutely addicted to his playcube.)
The father's fiance and the daughter were both there as well. The nurse said everyone was cordial and very impressed with Maxwell. Not sure they still get the amount of work that goes into Max's daily care and therapy...but I'm not sure they ever will.
I have to admit it was a fairly difficult, frustrating and sad weekend. Nobody wants to experience a painful divorce, and yet sadly, it happens to families every day. I know for me, this was a big concern. I had always promised myself that I would not have children with someone unless I knew absolutely for sure that we were committed for life. My parents divorced when I was young, and I never wanted my children to experience that pain.
Yet despite my former spouse promising me time and time again that a divorce would never ever happen to us, here I was this weekend "handing over" my medically fragile/special needs baby to him and his new fiance in a hotel. That is just not how I expected life to turn out for me and my family...but really, who does? Crazy, absolutely crazy.
*Brandy, as I waited for the nurse in the hotel lobby, I thought of you because it felt like yet another scene from the Lifetime movie you want to produce! :)Hopefully the next visit will be with much less drama and difficulty...