Sunday, July 16, 2006


I have received a lot of emails from his WV "Fan Club" asking about Mighty Max's travel plans. I am sorry to report that Max will not be making the trip back east this time. :(

He is still not at his "baseline" and we don't want to compromise his health any further. I have hired a full time nurse for the time that I am gone, so he will be in good hands. But I am going to miss my lil' guy like crazy!!! Today I have a million things left to do for the divorce, but more importantly, I have a million hugs and kisses to give to Max!!! :)


RebeccaA said...


Have a safe trip. I remember the first time I was away from Cameron - it was bittersweet. I didn't have to track all of his medicines and feeds so I could rest a bit, but I still missed him as well.

Also, your trip is not for relaxtion but for Max's future. You'll be in my prayers.

Cameron and Nathan's mom

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and Max, and you are both in my prayers so much this day and the days to come. I pray that the Lord's Will is obtained here and that all are able to see it and receive it. I await hearing from you..Wish I could do more.


Drew said...

Hey Amy,

Good luck with the hearing! I hope everything goes Maxwell's way! I know that you will do everything within your power to get all you can for him.

May justice be on your side!


Miss N Cedie said...

Good Luck Amy.
Max-you get more cute every day!

Love Cedie and Jenn