Saturday, September 23, 2006


Mom took these the other day and forgot to could she forget??? Look at how super cute I am! We just got this highchair, and it is working out great!

She thought I might enjoy playing with some empty formula cans. She was right!!! They make so much noise...loud enough for me to hear! SUPER COOL! (It's hard to find toys loud enough for us kiddos with significant hearing this was a great score!!!)

I love this, I love this!

Mommy, this is so fun! And apparently Shakespeare thinks so too! (Note his nose in the corner!)

Hey, where'd my cans go? (King Max LOVES to toss toys and then whimpers until they are returned to his majesty!)

Silly Mommy!!! She's shaking the toys in the cans and making lots of noises! Love that!

Ok, this is fun and all...but I am wiped out! Time for nappy nap!

Yay! 12 hours of nooooooo vomiting! Yay!!! Mom found a trick (time consuming but soooo worth it!) that seems to be working. She gives me super, super small amounts all throughout the day. For example, I get 1000 cc a day of formula and she only gives 10 - 20 cc (max) at a time. She is constantly at my Gtube (50-100 times a day!!!), but heck it is working! And we are trying to do the majority of that when I am upright, but I like to move around a that is difficult. Let's hope this vomiting spell is over...that would be fantastic! Then we will try to get back to my normal feeding schedule. :)

ALSO, thanks everyone for your encouraging emails to Mom about ways to help with the stress...very appreciated! She even tried my inhalers the other day to see if that would work!!! :) Today she is going to make some Halloween signs to decorate children's rooms at the hospital. Hopefully that helps her relax! :) We head down this week to Children's for a few days (gazillion clinic appointments) so we can deliver them then. Thanks again everyone for your love and are wonderful!!!


Dylan and Family said...

Great pictures and I love that he is so playful with the cans!

Also, how fun to make signs for the other kiddos at the hospital. Let us know if you need company to make them! Dylan is almost over his icky, yucky crud so we might be able to see you fairly soon.

Glad to hear you got lots of input. Hopefully it helps.


skeybunny said...

Jeremy made Evan as really loud rattle: handful of pennies in a coke can. Evan will turn towards it even when he doesn't have his hearing aides in.


Anonymous said...

Oh Maximillion!! I just love those pictures..

Momma needs to give you a color crayon and have you color a couple of pictures for the kids too...Wouldn't that be FUN?? Have mamma put you in the highchair and color till your hearts content..GO FOR IT

Mamma watch for him not to put the crayons in his mouth..Show him how how it marks the paper.
Have fun..

Love ya


Miss N Cedie said...

Cedie has that same chair! Max is adorable (as usual). He really is developing! He looks much older than Cedie now... Good for him :-)

Love, Jennifer and Cedie