Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Maxwell's father is coming this weekend...and the plans thus far are a little bizarre and frustrating.

I was really hoping we could set aside our differences and be cordial for the benefit of Maxwell. I tried, I really tried. I offered up our home for his time with Max, I offered up our nursing hours, I offered up as much time as he wants.

How much easier could I make this for him? But he just refuses to be even remotely pleasant. I mean, come on...this man has not seen his son in nearly a year. Shouldn't he be responsible enough to ask me what I think is best for the visit? Shouldn't he care what is best and most comfortable for Maxwell?

There is so much more I could say on this subject, but enough for now. His visit is only for a few hours so it will be over before we know it.


Crystal M. said...

Hang in there Amy we are all here if you ever need to talk. Some men are just horrible and when they become "dads" they act like bigger jerks.
Crystal and Eva

Evil Twin's Wife said...

He's probably so hateful because knows how wrong he is on every level, so he has to cop an attitude to deflect that. Awfully funny how elections are coming up next week and he has chosen this weekend for a visit, huh? I hope that it's a supervised visit and that he's not using it as a photo op. I'm a registered Republican in Kanawha County and he won't be getting my vote, ever! (is he even running this year? I haven't seen a thing about him).

Unknown said...

For Maxs sake, I'm glad he gets to see his father....however, all the stress that is going with it makes it not even worth it to this sweet little man! Hang in there Amy..Max knows who is REAL parent is! :)

Drew said...

Hey Amy,

I'm sorry you have to deal with that Vic Sprouse jackass. I guess the 2008 election cycle is just around the corner, time to start getting ahead of the deadbeat dad charge making a single visit for a couple of hours each year...Please!

I sure hope Max is ok with complete Strangers!!


Diane said...

If daddy wants to be a part of his son's life, he needs to not come and go. My daughter is adopted and all of a sudden her dad wanted to come into her life and she got all excited. Well, that was a one and only time visit. Her happiness didn't last long. Hope Maxwell doesn't have a vomiting spell. LOL. Read between the lines.

No, he won't get my vote and I wondered if he was running, too. Haven't seen any ads on him.

Max may not like this and may set him back a litle. He needs to be supervised when visiting Max. What if Max needs medical attention, does his dad know what to do????

Diane and Alx

Anonymous said...

I have asked my friends and family to say prayers for you and max..Please, continue hold your head high, with the dignity,grace, and beauty you have while soon to be ex is here. I sent you an email hope it might be helpful.
Love and MANY MANY MANY Prayers

Carolyn said...

Max & Amy,
I'm sending lots of prayers your way. Can't believe he wants to visit for a few hours. What is he trying to prove???

All your family and friends are here for you.

Love & Prayers,