Friday, November 10, 2006


Miss Stephanie is one of my very favorite people! We have so much fun together! She comes over sometimes to play with me, so Mommy can get some things done in the house. But Mommy has a hard time staying away, because she just loves watching how much we enjoy each other. :)

Mommy teaches her our different games and therapy goals so that our play is not only fun, but productive too...which makes Mommy really happy. Thank you Stephanie for always being so great with me. I love you very much!

I am learning how to push on this toy to make the objects go round and round. Finally this week I did it! YAY!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Max,
If this is the stephanie I think it is she's pretty cool..I like reading her blog(s)..Great friend to have Max.

She's awesome, and you are super awesome!!

Stephanie said...

i love you to max! Hanging out with you is one of my favorite things to do. I can't wait to come see you again and see the new things you have learned!

Crystal M. said...

That is so awsome that you have someone like that to help you both.
Crystal and Eva