Two precious CHARGE kiddos are having lots of problems right now and they definitely need our prayers.
JD, a little boy in Texas (same age as Max), almost passed away today due to respiratory complications. Fortunately his parents were quick to react and got him helicoptered to the local hospital immediately. And another little girl, Meagan, has been recovering from her cochlear implant surgery and got very sick and extremely dehydrated. Now she is back in the hospital.
This CHARGE disorder can be so frustrating at impacts our children in so many ways and makes them vulnerable to so many illnesses. I am extremely emotional tonight about all of this, and it just breaks my heart how many families and children are suffering.
Earlier this week there was intense discussion among a few of the adult CHARGErs (on our group list) and how difficult their daily lives are...medically, developmentally, socially and emotionally. It saddens me to know that there will always be new challenges for Maxwell...once we surpass one, we have another ten more waiting for us. Even though I know this from researching CHARGE and the long term challenges, personal stories hit so much closer and make it all more real to me.
I best get to bed or I will get even more emotional about all of this. JD and Meagan's stories both really hit me hard and were frightening to read.
Please send your prayers of love and comfort to these two families and everyone in our wonderful CHARGE community. They are amazing people. Thank you.
Prayers going up. Amy hang in there. You and Max are amazing and will be able to take on these challenges side by side.
I have been praying for them since I read about it on the list. Our little ones are so strong and I am amazed how strong they can be. Hang in there I know we do and its all we can do is pray and be there for our little CHARGErs.
Crystal and Eva
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