Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Look at me swinging!

That's Jill, my physical therapist, behind me! We had such a great session! This swinging helps my vestibular system and also encourages torso strength. It took me months to accept touching the rope (sensory issues), but now I think nothing of it! :)

I can wave to Mom and swing at the same time!

Hello again Mommy! This waving thing is very cool!


Traci said...

CUTE pictures! This was Tyler's FAVORITE activity at OT/PT!!! He loved that darn swing -- and as he got older he really got it going pretty high. Great to see all the awesome progress by this amazing little guy! Way to go TEAM!


Diane said...

This is way too cute Max. I am sure mommy has tears of joy as she is taking those pictures. I wish I could give you one big hug and kiss. By the way Amy, give Max a huge hug and kiss from Diane and Alex in WV. He is way too adorable.

Diane and Alex

Unknown said...

Oh My Gosh! How CUTE is this boy?? Way to Go Max!!! I bet Mommy did the happy dance!

Carolyn said...

Way to go Max. I'm waving back at you.

Amy, keep the pictures coming.

Love & Prayers,
Carolyn in WV

Crystal M. said...

That is so great MAX!! Keep it up and you are so cute waving to mommy!!
Crystal and Eva