Sunday, October 09, 2005


Wow, Max is looking really, really good!!! :) Unbelievable really! AND I have very exciting news to report...he is OFF OXYGEN! His nasal cannula has been removed! This is the first time ever. One less attachment...YEA!!! :) He still has his occasional desat, but usually only when he is pooping, sleeping, or fussy. I am sooo impressed with my lil' guy! And actually still a little shocked! I hope this trend continues!

I am very excited for tomorrow morning's lab results. They draw his blood early Monday mornings (4 am...yikes!) and we hear the report a few hours later. This will tell us if his bicarb is going down. WE NEED IT TO GO DOWN BIG TIME! If it goes down, it will be a good sign that he is improving and that he does not need a trach. This is extremely important.

Please pray that Max has a successful surgery this week and he is quickly extabated afterwards and recovers quickly and easily too! Additionally, please pray that his body begins to release his carbon dioxide easier and the numbers come way down. I want him to come home soon!!! :) Barney and Shakespeare...along with the rest of Bellingham...are quite excited to meet the famous Mr. Maxwell! Shakespeare is getting his tongue all ready with lots and lots of kisses...anyone know how I can "Purell" my dogs???


Dylan and Family said...

What great news! Congratulations Amy and Max.


Kristy, Ray, and Dylan

rebecca said...

All right Max!!!! I will send many, many, many prayers this week. I can't wait till you can come home!!!!!!!
