Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Two of Maxwell's friends have great news! :)

Eva, a sweet 19 month old girl with CHARGE, has made such improvement with her feeding that she may have her Gtube removed early next year! WOW EVA! Way to go! :)

Dylan, a super handsome and VERY charming lil' man with Down's Syndrome, had an echocardiogram on Monday and got some incredibly fantastic news!!! No surgery in the near future! WOO HOO! Dylan had open heart surgery last year when he was four months old (that is when we met his family) and there were still some remaining issues that needed monitoring. However, those issues are stable and he doesn't even need to see his cardiologist for another year! WOW! WOW! WOW! This boy is absolutely amazing and we just love him and his family!


Dylan and Family said...

Thank you!!! We are very, very excited.

And look at Mr. Max! Pulling to a stand like a true champ. Wonder what is next, little man?


Anonymous said...

What amazing kiddos!

Crystal M. said...

Thanks Amy and Max!! We are so happy with the great news we got yesterday and I hope we can keep it up.
Hugs to you both,
Crystal and Eva

Lori said...

Way to go, Dylan and Eva! We are cheering you on all the way!!!