Maxwell Bennett McKinley (MIGHTY MAX) is an adorable little boy born to his proud mommy on June 22, 2005. Born two months early and diagnosed with CHARGE Syndrome, he has faced many life threatening conditions and spent the first six months at Children's Hospital in Seattle. He is now home and working hard to get healthy and strong. Max is proving to be quite a fighter and has already blessed so many lives with his strong character and beautiful soul.
How adorable am I new with my new buddies, Barney & Shakespeare!?! We are becoming fast friends and my mom is overwhelmed with joy every time we are together! She was sooo excited for all of us to meet!
Barney (the white dog on the left) is ok with me being here, but leaves me alone for the most part. Actually I think this is one of the only times he has acknowledged my presence! Perhaps he is a little sad that I am taking my mommy's attention away from him...but give him time and I'm sure he will soon adore me!
Today my mommy is taking him to the doctor's for a biopsy of his nose. The doc thinks he has skin cancer or canine lupus. My mommy is very worried...between you and me though, I think he is just trying to get the attention away from me!!! Nice try dog. But just in case, please do keep Barney in your prayers. My mom loves him very, very much and I am sure I will too.
Shakespeare (the brown dog on the right) is another story. He already adores me! Or perhaps he knows to get my mom's attention, he has to be next to me! Either way, we are having fun. And yes, that is his tongue in the picture. He loves to kiss me...my mommy tries to keep that to a minimum. But I don't mind it! We are already great buddies!
I'll keep you posted on Barney's nose...right now I must run and prepare for my newspaper interview. Mom is going to get me super cute for the photos! That shouldn't take long...doesn't she know it comes naturally for me!?!
Hmmm....I wonder if Mommy will stop taking pictures anytime soon?
This beautiful white blanket was a gift from my sweet friend, Emma.
A few hours before surgery...I'm movin' and groovin' and ready to roll!
How cute am I in my lil' hospital gown? I'm getting prepped for my big surgery!!!
Just a few hours after my heart surgery...yep, that's me underneath all the tubes and wires! Mom thought twice about posting this photo, but I think it shows how tough I am! It was quite a surgery, but don't worry...Mom says it was a big success!
Two days after surgery and I am already feeling so much better...and looking good without all those tubes and wires! See my incision? Mommy says that will get me sooo much attention and respect at the swimming pool someday!
Hope you enjoyed my photos! Have a happy Thanksgiving! Love, MIGHTY MAX